What I've been up to.....

Apart from lamenting my washing machine situation (I have to wait a week just to get someone here to look at it!) I've been fitting in a bit of crafty time (in between being stuck in the laundry handwashing). Above is a needle felted lady, my second attempt at needle felting. Very enjoyable.

Also on the needle felting front, a wee bundled baby for one of my baby girls. This little one was also the cause of my first needle felting related injury in the form of a stabbed thumb. Ouch!

I hope you're not tired of the Miss Madlines yet, because I'm obviously not! This little one is for a cute, cute niece of mine, about 18 months old.

No one misses out in this house. Blog readers, meet Rosy - Rosy meet blog readers. She is one of my girl's constant companion, so I made them matching dresses with the leftovers from Corrine's fabric.
Happy Saturday to you all, wherever you are and whatever you're doing!


cherri said...

Handwashing is my least favourite job! Poor you - the dresses and dolls look great though.

Gill - That British Woman said...

A happy Saturday to you as well, I love the little dress every so pretty, you have been busy!!

Gill in Canada

Unknown said...

Great blog ! Hope your washing machine gets fixed soon as your hands will get too tired from handwashing to craft , disaster !

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