4 shaft weaving and sampling

This week I've been working on the sequel to my Introduction to Floor Loom weaving class.

This class will focus on 4 shaft weaving and begins with an optional sampler. I always felt that a sampler was a waste of time and effort, but I have definitely changed my ways! I do a lot of sampling, particularly now that I use a lot of my own designs and need to see and feel how the fabric is going to be before I put it out there to my students. Since I realised what a fantastic learning tool sampling can be, I always recommend it to my students. It can pretty much make or break a project!

Plus, when you're finished with a sample, you can either cut it up and use it for small project, or keep it to refer back to. Either way, it's useful!

The next part of the class will move onto 4 shaft kitchen towels,  which I designed. Each towel is a little different but equally lovely. 
We will weave 4 towels all together.

Here is a sample of the first towel, isn't it gorgeous? 
The towels tie in happily with my #weaveforme plans for April,  as I will be keeping them for my kitchen 😊

If you're interested in the next floor loom weaving class, make sure you are signed up to my email list for announcements and special offers. Instagram is also a great place to keep up with what I'm doing.

Do you have plans for your #weaveforme project yet? I'd love to hear about it!

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