365 project

 Last week I joined the 365 project. I thought it would be a good way to form the habit of picking up the camera every day and challenging myself to make the photo interesting. I'm on day 8 and loving it so far! Here are some of my photos from the week: 

Night Beach - my first proper attempt at long exposure for a landscape.

Rainbow Lorikeet - A pair of them have been enjoying our plums. Fortunately we have a bumper crop this year, so plenty to share.

Tomatoes - they are ripening by the dozens each day and make a delightful mouthful.

One of our beautiful girls - I love this portrait!

If you are interested in the 365 project or want to follow my project, you can find it here.

1 comment:

Nanna Chel said...

Kelly what beautiful photos! I am still waiting for my brother to give me his unused camera so I can improve my skills. Sigh! Those lorikeets are certainly beautiful but they can wreck a fruit tree in a matter of minutes. Don't ask me how I know!

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